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  • 150th anniversary of Japan-Germany Relationship

  • Hokuriku Kako is honoured to participate in Japan Tag 2011 Dusseldorf/NRW,
    Germany, on October 15th.


    The event was plannened in May but postponed because of the tragedy with the earthquake & tsunami in Eastern Japan in March.


    The event this year was celebrating the 150th anniversary
    of Germany & Japan's friendship.


    We at Hokuriku Kako are truely pleased that we could successfully
    brighten the night sky in Germany, and bring the good friendship
    between German And Japanse people with happiness and many many smiles,
    with our high-quality fireworks.


    In addition, we could share the very exciting and impressive moment in Japan Tag
    with 700,000 audience coming not only in Germany but also from other European countries.


    • 150th anniversary of Japan-Germany Relationship
    • 150th anniversary of Japan-Germany Relationship